Dan Lyke 23:23:57+0000 (2024-07-26)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2206,-122.621)

Oh Jira, showing the board as empty even when I navigate, but if I copy and paste the same URL.... there's my data! I've been trying to stick with using it with Safari, but the "you glanced away, we've logged you out" coupled with 2FA is gonna run me to Chrome. (Yes, I know, Firefox, but I try to keep that to my personal use.)

Dan Lyke 22:31:38+0000 (2024-07-26)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2206,-122.621)

Was thinking that maybe, despite all the reasons that Passkey sucks, I should implement Passkey for my blog engine. So of course the official line is that Web Authentication is rapidly evolving and incredibly complex, you should use libraries instead (which... it shouldn't need to be) and... there are no libraries in Perl. And if I believed that this was a good spec, rather than a bad one with lots of money behind it, I might dig deeper, but. Ugh.

Dan Lyke 19:59:04+0000 (2024-07-26)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2206,-122.621)

I don't know who needs to hear this, but it's really past time to change that screen protector on your phone, because it's so much nicer to use a phone with an uncracked screen protector. (It's me last week. I needed to hear this.)

Dan Lyke 19:26:33+0000 (2024-07-26)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2206,-122.621)

You could take Amazon's advice about how to avoid Prime scams, or... hear me out... you could just avoid buying from Amazon, and especially avoid Prime...

Dan Lyke 17:06:06+0000 (2024-07-26)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2206,-122.621)

So with the wave of unmanaged spam on the ipfs-users mailing list, I'm guessing that the whole crypto thing took all of the wind out of IPFS and it's essentially dead now?

Dan Lyke 04:25:29+0000 (2024-07-26)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2206,-122.621)

Some nights at the asylum, Dan thinks he's an illustrator, and the kindly attendants indulge him with drawing instruments...

Dan Lyke 22:40:30+0000 (2024-07-25)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2206,-122.621)

My eero router this morning was giving me 3% of my expected throughput (given old WiFi transceivers, so I'd only expect around 300mbit). Going hard-wired gave me as close to gigabit as makes no never-mind. WiFi Analyzer was whining about not running on this modern a version of Android, and gave me some issues. And looks like it doesn't really know about the 5GHz bands? What's y'all's favorite WiFi debugging tool?

Dan Lyke 20:15:47+0000 (2024-07-25)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2206,-122.621)

I mean, the whole point of the "amateur" sport of the Olympics was to give an economic class the ability to say they were better at *something* physical than the laboring classes. So, yeah, fuck the Olympics. _LA Times: Chasing the Olympic dream isn’t cheap, and U.S. athletes often are stuck with the bill_ (https://www.latimes.com/sports/olympics/story/2024-07-25/team-usa-olympic-dreams-expensive-for-athletes)

Dan Lyke 17:45:56+0000 (2024-07-25)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2206,-122.621)

Cocoa/AppKit: Because the whole lvalue/rvalue thing is lost on us, and wouldn't you rather just have random crashes saying we couldn't converge on a layout rather than have a deterministic way to define how your UI works?

Dan Lyke 06:42:52+0000 (2024-07-25)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2253,-122.627)

Went to the neighbor's house to feed their cats, and this dude is hanging on the front walk completely unloaded by our attempts to leave. Pretty sure I could take him if he came at me, but it would hurt, so we're trapped here for a bit.

Dan Lyke 00:46:24+0000 (2024-07-25)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2206,-122.621)

Showed up this morning to pick up a free "lathe" off of FB Marketplace, we were double-booked, and it turned out the "lathe" was a fluting machine, which was cool and gorgeous cast iron, but which I don't have room for in my shop. So I helped the other guy load it into his truck, and... maybe it's just me, but I'd think that if *I* were going to pick up a piece of big ol' heavy cast iron machinery, I'd empty the truck bed of scrap rocks and bricks first.

Dan Lyke 04:12:56+0000 (2024-07-24)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2251,-122.628)

For various reasons, news of Wendy Carlos has been crossing my feed lately, which has brought up discussion of synthesizers, and the British musician's union trying to ban the use of synths and drum machines, and... Just thinking about the parallels to modern machine learning generated music...

Dan Lyke 23:24:17+0000 (2024-07-22)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2451,-122.636)

Conversation at lunch about progress in computing, and "Southwest runs Windows 3.1" came up, and I got to thinking: What have we really got since '94? Most new web browser capabilities and increased memory and graphics are used to deliver ads. Word processing and spreadsheets are pretty similar (Emacs is still my editor of choice). We have nicer photo and video editing, and MP3s have replaced WAVs, but... it's amazing how much of modern computing doesn't feel like actual progress.

Dan Lyke 22:53:28+0000 (2024-07-22)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2451,-122.636)

I would like it if every web comics author would try to read their comic from the beginning on their web site, and try to come back and read the latest updates occasionally. Holy crap some artists make it really difficult to get into their work.

Dan Lyke 21:11:29+0000 (2024-07-22)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2451,-122.636)

iTerm2, VLC, it's really kind of horrifying how Apple leaves essential system utilities to third parties.

Dan Lyke 21:08:37+0000 (2024-07-22)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2366,-122.643)

Woohoo! Third collision in 5 weeks at the Mountain View Ave intersection with Mission Drive. Regular reminder that residents along Mountain View have been asking for safety improvements for decades, but the car-brained municipal systems mean that not only have we not gotten those, guerilla attempts to install safety upgrades are ripped out within business-hours. And the worst part is that we've kinda given up because there are other intersections in the city that definitely take priority.

Dan Lyke 20:27:19+0000 (2024-07-22)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2451,-122.636)

Hard-wire your home automation, kids! (And if your WiFi mysteriously goes down, *do not* answer the door.) DHS Has a DDoS Robot to Disable Internet of Things ‘Booby Traps’ Inside Homes https://www.404media.co/dhs-has-a-ddos-robot-to-disable-internet-of-things-booby-traps-inside-homes/

Dan Lyke 23:04:49+0000 (2024-07-21)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2248,-122.628)

Currently weighing the future of civilization against whether donation to any Democrat PACs will make any difference at all against the wave of spam and whether a donation will just encourage them to further destroy the capability of my phone to be used as a communications device by overwhelming me with appeals.

Dan Lyke 05:40:48+0000 (2024-07-21)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.225,-122.628)

With Charlene (fixed pic)

Dan Lyke 05:40:13+0000 (2024-07-21)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.225,-122.628)

With Charlene

Dan Lyke 05:38:56+0000 (2024-07-21)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2249,-122.628)

Gathering with the unicorns to ride into Rivertown Revival.

Dan Lyke 22:59:51+0000 (2024-07-20)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2249,-122.628)

The things about taking the time and intention to actually hear what people are saying is that I can no longer tell if this high pitched background noise is tinnitus or dog whistles.

Dan Lyke 02:37:31+0000 (2024-07-17)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2239,-122.631)

Enjoyed this episode of Sundman Figures It Out particularly because I've been reading about the 3 story walk-up form-factor in "Escaping the Housing Trap", and it really brought home (sorry) the culture around the form. https://johnsundman.substack.com/p/all-star-break

Dan Lyke 04:37:33+0000 (2024-07-16)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.237,-122.638)

Charlene just asked me if we could turn off AI search on her phone, because it lied to her one too many times. I didn't quite get her on to Firefox, but I did put a link to https://udm14.com/ on her phone's home screen to slightly deshittify Google.

Dan Lyke 03:28:27+0000 (2024-07-16)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2249,-122.628)

I'll write something longer at some point, but damn Chuck Tingle's "Bury Your Gays" hit me in all the right feels. And given the voice talent for the audiobook, I may have to experience it that way too.

Dan Lyke 22:41:02+0000 (2024-07-15)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2517,-122.635)

Ugh. Digging through Apple Messages on my laptop because no matter how many times I try to fill out the "I don't have a fucking iPhone any more" form, critical messages end up sent to that. Apple: Not even once.

Dan Lyke 18:32:18+0000 (2024-07-15)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2367,-122.643)

From Saturday 's Mike Seastrom dance at Circle 'n Squares: Sherrie and Dean Black, Lisa and Mike Seastrom, Charlene Marie, Dan Lyke, Lawrence Johnstone, Allison and Dan Drumheller.

Dan Lyke 03:29:56+0000 (2024-07-15)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2249,-122.628)

Last night's dance at Circle 'n Squares was super fun! Mike Seastrom is always amazing, and for the last couple of tips Mike invited each of the callers in attendance to share a tip. Karl Joost captured us singing the middle break of Wagon Wheel... https://youtu.be/vN3TsKqj8OM

Dan Lyke 02:28:33+0000 (2024-07-13)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.234,-122.641)

I'm guessing that AntennaPod is giving me these Apple Podcast recommendations because they get some money to shovel this shit at me, but... The Joe Rogan Experience? Like what if Art Bell but malicious? Ben Shapiro? Inflicting intergenerational trauma rather than pursuing therapy? Big media hates us, is the only answer I can come to, and truth is I will consider podcast player recommendations if I can get away from this shit (or get good recs).

Dan Lyke 01:36:06+0000 (2024-07-13)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2451,-122.641)

All this talk about Web Rings is making me realize how much I miss Nibelung. Not sure I will ever forgive JavaScript for taking that from us.

Dan Lyke 19:06:53+0000 (2024-07-12)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2461,-122.641)

Dear Zapier: I'm gonna suggest that a 1.6MB RSS entry that's packed with pages of inline CSS is perhaps not in the spirit of the format? I'm kind-of in a pissy mood this morning, but in what kind of dumb-ass world do whatever dipshit decisions that led to this particular asshattery allow people to rise to decision-making levels? JFC, people.

Dan Lyke 03:46:35+0000 (2024-07-12)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2249,-122.628)

Propane tank bowl gongs. https://youtu.be/UqGxR8MLMbA?si=sVv-Nmf3wNscf8Jw

Dan Lyke 03:44:05+0000 (2024-07-12)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2249,-122.628)

Needs running, but got some preliminary sounds from the propane tank tongue drum. #hankdrum #tonguedrum https://youtube.com/shorts/ZN9HXu9ukOQ?si=ewdCpRmq-3KJrX95

Dan Lyke 19:19:08+0000 (2024-07-11)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.237,-122.638)

Kinda miffed at OhmConnect right now: We put our fridge on a smart plug so that they can turn it off during high load periods. We had a power outage last night during said high load period. Refrigerator never came back on. I just rolled out the fridge and yanked the smart plug, but this seems like a pretty bad failure mode.

Dan Lyke 18:34:52+0000 (2024-07-11)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.237,-122.638)

Started a new podcast (Derelict) on the walk to work yesterday, and just not feeling grimdark. I don't mind peril, but... So looking for fiction podcasts with heart and humor. Examples: Where The Stars Fell, Unwell, Kingmaker Histories, Amelia Project, Super Suits, Starship Q Star, Murder on Sex Island, Moonbase Theta Out, Midnight Burger, Girl in Space, Fawx & Stallion, Alba Salix, The Strange Case of Starship Iris, Unwell...

Dan Lyke 16:48:38+0000 (2024-07-11)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2248,-122.627)

Mad props to the PG&E crew chasing the short circuit around my neighborhood last night for 7 hours... The log of a outage update text messages last night, with changing numbers of affected customers tells a story... The Know Before You Grow forum went on without slides, glad it was an in-person speaker.

Dan Lyke 23:06:35+0000 (2024-07-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2262,-122.638)

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of DOMs? The .shadowRoot knows... In other news, just had to follow up a el.elementFromPoint(...) call with an "if you didn't find it there, call el.shadowRoot.elementFromPoint(...) and try to find it that way" strategy.

Dan Lyke 19:28:37+0000 (2024-07-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2451,-122.639)

I realize I'm the cranky old man who hollers about "programmers" typing "npm install ..." without having any idea of what they're doing, but... I'm having trouble figuring out WTF https://tembo.io/ is. Best I can tell it's selling a concept to the C-Suite so that your outsourced coders don't have to know how to type "apt install ..." (or the RPM equivalent) and "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"

Dan Lyke 19:10:41+0000 (2024-07-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2365,-122.643)

It's not that Google returning a shitpost as the first result is a novel thing, it's that they're burning down rainforest to amplify the shitpost. When I do the search with &udm=14, that result is pushed even further down, so, yeah: the old results continue to be better in every way.

Dan Lyke 17:37:05+0000 (2024-07-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2451,-122.639)

Thread from Cecilia Tan on the 24th anniversary of the "Paddleboro" warrantless raid by Attleboro MA police on a consensual BDSM party, including chartes for "possession of instruments of masturbatory use," and assault for a consensual wooden spoon spanking. And now they're coming after all recreational sex. https://wandering.shop/@ceciliatan/112751561933336428

Dan Lyke 20:11:49+0000 (2024-07-07)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2249,-122.628)

Cut up 2 propane tanks, nobody got blowed up, between the baking soda and the bleach, the mercaptan is pretty neutralized. Looks like good seams for rejoining them after we cut the tongues. But one of these tanks is just gonna be tone bowls.

Dan Lyke 20:09:33+0000 (2024-07-07)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2249,-122.628)

Cutting the propane tank...

Dan Lyke 02:30:47+0000 (2024-07-07)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/0) — Lat,Lon: (38.2206,-122.624)

A few thoughts on role playing games and greek myths... https://www.flutterby.com/archives/comments/32328.html

Dan Lyke 23:15:55+0000 (2024-07-06)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.332,-122.722)

Sierra Leone ends child marriage, with jail terms for grooms, and fines for parents and wedding guests. Thinking about how fraught trying to implement similar legislation in the US would be... https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/03/africa/sierra-leone-outlaws-child-marriage-with-new-bill/index.html

Dan Lyke 21:38:30+0000 (2024-07-06)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.332,-122.722)

"Flammable liquid" with "hundreds of uses around the home", you say? Hell yeah I'm in.

Dan Lyke 03:31:36+0000 (2024-07-06)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.233,-122.638)

Car brain gone wild. Real estate sign advertising a location in terms of 21,000 cars average daily traffic. Not all the foot traffic that could be in this space ...

Dan Lyke 16:32:34+0000 (2024-07-05)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2249,-122.628)

A neighbor is out of town, so we went and checked on their pets before bed, and texted a question. At 11:30, Charlene got up to go to the bathroom, checked her phone, and we got dressed to walk up the hill for a bit of follow up. The fireworks explosions were numerous, with some very large air bursts, so I popped up Watch Duty to see where the local fires were. We're not gonna make it as a species, are we?

Dan Lyke 02:10:53+0000 (2024-07-05)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2248,-122.628)

Lots of stuff in the shop today that doesn't photograph well ("really bland doors. I want them unremarkable."), but I think these door pulls are working, even within those parameters.

Dan Lyke 16:58:29+0000 (2024-07-04)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2249,-122.628)

With the assistance of a 2x4, some cam straps, a pipe wrench and a Burke bar, valves successfully removed from the propane tanks. I understand why a bunch of tank/tongue drum makers suggest buying new tanks rather than recycling...

Dan Lyke 02:18:42+0000 (2024-07-04)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2365,-122.643)

I'm particularly aware of the mercaptan smell because I'm processing some old propane tanks to turn them into drums, but why am I smelling that as I walk through downtown?