Dan Lyke 10:11:40+0000 (2015-07-24)— twitter (1/1) facebook (1/1) flutterby (1/1) TwitterID: 624764772781719552— Lat,Lon: (38.4404,-122.714)

Hey, @Twitter, the fact that I can't block people who drive-by @ mention me and then block me means I'm still subjected to their bullshit.

Dan Lyke 09:20:56+0000 (2015-07-24)— twitter (1/1) facebook (1/1) flutterby (1/1) TwitterID: 624616297117057024— Lat,Lon: (38.4194,-122.751)

A post-mortem on my Twitter feed and run-in with GamerGate over the past day http://www.flutterby.com/archives/comments/21983.html

Dan Lyke 07:15:22+0000 (2015-07-24)— twitter (1/1) facebook (1/1) flutterby (1/1) TwitterID: 624584832987717632— Lat,Lon: (38.2251,-122.628)

Ugh. Ya know, if Twitter had the same capbilities as email, I'd have better filtering for the noise onslaught.