Dan Lyke 16:26:25+0000 (2013-08-12)— twitter (1/1) facebook (1/1) flutterby (0/0) — Lat,Lon: (38.4405,-122.714)

Some uninformed back-of-the-envelope numbers on Musk's Hyperloop proposal: http://www.flutterby.com/archives/comments/18043.html

Dan Lyke 13:51:28+0000 (2013-08-12)— twitter (1/1) facebook (1/1) flutterby (0/0) TwitterID: 367026711994445825— Lat,Lon: (38.4405,-122.714)

Fascinating to see in which order the books I tossed on the lunchroom table for others to take disappear in... #rorschachtest

Dan Lyke 09:18:01+0000 (2013-08-12)— twitter (1/1) facebook (1/1) flutterby (1/1) TwitterID: 366957504128757760— Lat,Lon: (38.4405,-122.714)

Love that the new feature in (mobile) browsers, "Reader" mode, is essentially Lynx. #mostwebdesignerssuck #troll