Dan Lyke 00:24:14+0000 (2024-04-09)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2497,-122.644)

I had to verify the "eyes hurt" Google trends theme for myself, and, sure, the graph is eye-rollingly worth a giggle, but the map... Sigh. I weep for humanity. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=eyes%20hurt&date=now%201-d&geo=US&hl=en

Dan Lyke 00:16:13+0000 (2024-04-09)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2497,-122.644)

As a Modern Western Square Dance caller, I approve: All music must be 4/4, 126BPM. Limited exceptions may be made for cued round dances on a case-by-case basis. _Chechnya bans all music deemed too fast or too slow_ (https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/europe/chechnya-music-ban-scli-intl/index.html)