Dan Lyke 21:01:17+0000 (2024-04-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2497,-122.644)

Oh dear, I've done a little more screwing around with You(dot)com, and, functionally, it appears to be a GPT layer over Reddit. This... uh.... does not improve the quality of the information presented vs straight up Google search results.

Dan Lyke 20:58:15+0000 (2024-04-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2497,-122.644)

Hey, if you are a user of Steve Bogart's awesome _Sankeymatic_ (https://sankeymatic.com/) Javascript library (and if you need to generate Sankey diagrams on the web, it's definitely worth looking at), he's got a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sankeymatic

Dan Lyke 19:09:14+0000 (2024-04-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2493,-122.644)

And, eeenterestingly, Google Firebase seems to be having load problems today. Wonder if this is eclipse related.

Dan Lyke 19:03:23+0000 (2024-04-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2493,-122.644)

Got a Facebook ad for "You(dot)com", decided to check it out. "AI" is going just great.

Dan Lyke 18:46:56+0000 (2024-04-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2493,-122.644)

I'm reading Jensen Huang talking about a marketplace for NIMs, and I honestly can't tell if there's useful application for LLMs somewhere in here, or if I'm being told with great enthusiasm that I can use multiple slurp juices on a single ape.

Dan Lyke 17:40:23+0000 (2024-04-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2493,-122.644)

Hearing people asking for things that terminal users have had in their toolbox for decades kinda wants to make me say "how about using tools that respect your intelligence, rather than buying crap from vendors who prioritize the shiny over use". Unrelated, Microsoft is making it harder to use non-Edge browsers... https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/new-windows-driver-blocks-software-from-changing-default-web-browser/

Dan Lyke 15:41:10+0000 (2024-04-08)— twitter (1/0) facebook (0/0) flutterby (1/1) — Lat,Lon: (38.2248,-122.628)

Dear FireFox: all I want is a stable url from which I can download an APK for my Kindle Fire. Okay, that and better PDF handling on Mac and a few other browser parity issues, but that's the big one this morning.