Dan Lyke 16:20:32+0000 (2014-06-19)— twitter (1/1) facebook (1/1) flutterby (1/1)

A few musings on bandwidth vs storage, and a resilient web. http://www.flutterby.com/archives/comments/19863.html

Dan Lyke 10:46:10+0000 (2014-06-19)— twitter (1/1) facebook (1/1) flutterby (1/1) TwitterID: 479682550441324544— Lat,Lon: (38.4197,-122.751)

So apparently 2 factor auth doesn't mean starting every command with "sudo sudo ..."

Dan Lyke 08:56:55+0000 (2014-06-19)— twitter (1/1) facebook (1/1) flutterby (1/1)

Playing with [redacted] last night, kind of liked this shot of the box I made for my square dance checkers

Dan Lyke 08:16:22+0000 (2014-06-19)— twitter (1/1) facebook (1/1) flutterby (1/1) TwitterID: 479644838548480000

Serendipity: Both "Why Are People Into That?" and "99% Invisible" just ran episodes on high heels. Fascinating different perspectives...