2021-04-08 Retracting Headboard




Our house is super tiny, so we’re constantly looking for places to use a little more space. We like a little room/cabinet at the headboard, and have armoires on either side of the bed, so we figured that a headboard that rose up out of that space would give use room for another shelf, and still allow the cats a hiding place.

Here's a video of it rising and retracting. I used a Jarvis standing desk lift, trimmed the feet a little bit to make it fit.

The top and door panels were from a piece of olive that someone who’d had a tree cut down gave me back in 2016:


I surfaced it with a router sled:


Hung the shelf from the desk lift assembly using some steel straps:


And built the door panels up as one piece to make it easier to track grain continuity:


Category: Woodworking Category: Dan Lyke life